Feb. 16- Feb. 19th, 2009 HELLO Sicily! Enroute....God blessed with a trip through Rome! My pictures were all lost from a computer attitude problem the last time I was in Europe and for months after it knawed at me! God gave me back that opportunity to take those pictures at the Colisseum in Rome during a 7 hour layover! I took the train, subway, and then walked...and YES, I did it without getting lost! Don't exactly how I ended up back at the airport the way I did....but God got me there with many adventures to tell of for sure! 1) Got to witness to some guys at lunch from the Netherlands. I almost didn't obey the LORD and went somewhere else. 2) Offended a guy dressed up in a Gladiator outfit by offering too little for a picture...went back and apologized for doing so...he looked at me like he had just been playing the game of bargaining...No Problema! and smiled - all that conviction on my soul for nothing!! It's just Italy! I figured - just had to make sure! :) 3) I also have video of a strike/ rally in Rome right on the main stretch....it was something else....they would speak in Italian and then in English for the tourists...as if we could help! :) Everyone wants a listening ear, I guess that's proof! 4) The Colisseum was full of tourists yet felt enormous all the same. I enjoyed trying to play tour guide - my flip video was the only person I really spoke to most of the time...well, there were a few others. 5) The Forum was closed - WHAT? Anyway, God had a better adventure in mind... I had never seen the first hill in Rome! I had no idea all the ruins that were up there - Mussilini had been there and rung the bell?? (Yea, I didn't really translate that one!:))! Finally, rushing back to catch my last flight to Catania, Sicily I sat myself on the train to Fumicino Airport....and down next to me sat an American (first shock) who was an underground missionary to China!! The whole trip to the airport she told me of this project called "One Story" to reach the lost people groups of the world who only have an oral language...no written language! I even got video, but I promised her that I wouldn't put it on the web so you'll have to come over to see it! I ran to my flight...and then got to witness to Anni - a girl from Estonia who God sat next to me. I'll never forget what she asked (before I gave her the gospel) "So do you just teach the Bible or do you teach them to go out and tell other people?" It was profound to me....How could we ever focus on the product that should be overflow more than the "story" that causes that overflow....The WORD! She promised that we would stay in touch.
My dear American friends jumping to be seen through the custom's window when I walked into the Catania exit area, but unfortunately my luggage was not waiting. SO after borrowing their clothes and a clean toothbrush, God provided a few new pieces for my wardrobe (gifts of Alitalia) and my luggage - all in one day! The next night I was asked to speak for the Sigonella (American) youth group - I had spoken here several times before, but NEVER had the crowd been so eager and open to the "more" that God offered....even those who looked uninterested listened in utter silence. Before they had me come up, the leader had them do something that I've never had done before I speak....He didn't introduce me (which I loved), but instead he had them introduce their group to me! Can we make that a new tradition? :) Anyway....God had laid on my heart to speak on Authority from a different take than I had ever heard....(Psa. 9, 10). Giving them hope that God's authority will never lead them down any path but that of LIFE.... Afterwards I was surrounded by girls...since then facebooked.
As for where I'm going next....I still don't know for sure. I heard today from Lisbon, Portugal...Rome called me immediately, and then Naples....and Amsterdam is still on my heart. I'm praying. I long to be where He wants me. Also, talked to a Chaplain about going to minister to the wounded soldiers in hospitals in Germany...coming from Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. It's been a desire of mine for a long while. SO, I'm not sure if I should list these... I am going to go....Trusting Him to lead me....wherever He wants me. I'm SO excited!
Tomorrow I leave for the conference with the women here in Sigonella...They are SO excited and the group continues to grow! I was washing my hair this morning and remembered this random lady that I hadn't seen forever but who was Sicilian....I wanted her to come, but had no idea how to reach her. I found myself distracted tonight (after we got back from a very Italian fun dinner with the Gasporra family) with my amy stephens facebook account which I never check....I was trying to get myself off when I saw her!!!! Only GOD!! So, pray that Margerite comes tomorrow. ALSO, pray that I will know the words that He wants to say....or that I will be prepared and faithful to say them as He leads. I've been in the Word....today I had the whole day by myself!! I just want more. Tomorrow on...I will be up there....Then back home in time to sing on Sunday at 2 different bases. Please pray for these women...that God will do what only He can and that i won't be in the way! AHH!! I'm excited...and have a bit of...."anticipation!" :) Let's call it that! :) Signing off for tonight from Sicily.....With Love, Amy